
Mobile (Main phone)+370 680 30808
Mobile (English customer support)+370 607 83605
Address: Upelio g. 11, Kveciai, Kretinga region, Lithuania LT-97163

Bank details

Recipent: Židrūnas Miežetis
AB SEB Bankas
A/s LT817044060000832646

Individual business certificate number FV909396-1


Wholesale offers

We are accepting wholesale offers worldwide.

Wholesale discounts available on large quantity purchases (preferably from 400 units), please contact us with your inquiries.

Special custom wood turned part order

Special ordered part dimensions shouldn't exceed 7 cm in length and width.

Accepting special orders only for large quantity purchases.

We can make a sample unit for Your custom part order before establishing an order.

Please contact us on email or mobile for more details.

Ordering from shop

If your order has less than 500 units it is recommended to buy directly from the shop. Orders smaller than 500 units are considered as retail and by buying directly from the shop we will be able to process it faster.

We instantly react to orders in our online shop. It's faster and easier. The minimum quantity depends on product type.